50 Funny Birthday Wishes That Will Make You LOL

When sending birthday messages to friends, it is very nice to add a little humor to the mix. Funny birthday wishes help lighten the mood of the recipient especially after a stressful day. When sending a funny birthday wish to a friend, ensure the friend also has a sense of humor.

Before choosing a specific funny birthday text to send to a friend, it is very important to have a perfect understanding of the person’s personality.This beautiful collection of funny birthday quotes can be trusted any time you need to send a funny birthday message.

Check these funny birthday texts out!

If you want to get wise, you will have to grow old. Happy birthday my friend!

Each New Year takes you farther from your birth and closer to your death.  I hope that does not stop you from partying today. Happy birthday!

Happy womb escape to you my dear friend. Live free and happy.

I tried shopping for you but all the stores were closed. All I can say is happy birthday I wish you long life and prosperity.

Happy birthday brother! Finally, you are getting old

Your candles have taken over your cake, this simply means you are gradually aging. Happy birthday!

I am not interested in celebrating your birthday. I am only interested in eating your birthday food.

Happy birthday buddy! I hope to celebrate your 100th birthday many years from now when you have no tooth.

Happy birthday my friend! I promise not to reveal your age to anyone.

Unlike most women, admit your age and be happy. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Feel free to offend anyone today, no one will get angry with you.

Happy birthday! As you eat and drink today, do not forget that taking so much cake is not good for your body.

Hurray! It’s your birthday. Don’t forget to be well rested as you need energy to party today.

You are finally becoming vintage. That happens when you celebrate so many birthdays.

I’ll get you a pair of skinny pants today. This should remind you of when you used to be young. Happy birthday!

I bought you a cake yesterday but then I got hungry and ate it. Anyway, happy birthday!

If you do not want to age, then never celebrate your birthday.

Today I celebrate the day you escaped from the womb. Happy womb escape day buddy.

Happy birthday! I did not bother getting you a gift because I assumed you are not materialistic.

I got a fire extinguisher ready just in case your birthday candle fires go out of hand. Happy born day!

Happy birthday! As you celebrate your birthday, do not forget to act your age.

Today you stop being a teenager. Happy birthday! And welcome to the world of adults.

Happy birthday bro! We’re officially expecting a lot…no pressure.

Get drunk today…on wisdom, after all, you’re getting older! Happy birthday!

Be happy today. Think of your achievements and not your saggy body. Happy birthday!

Forget the past and enjoy the present. You get such just once a year. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday my good friend! I promise to bug you throughout today like your old age.

Today count your candles and not your head lines. Happy birthday!

I forgot your present because I was thinking about your future. Happy birthday.

When you hear comments “like for your age” often, then you know you are aging. Happy birthday!

Birthdays are usually happy days. We should make yours an annual event. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday dear friend. May the candles on your cake keep increasing.

Happy birthday! It is amazing to know that gravity has nothing on your age. It goes up only and never comes down.

Happy birthday! Enjoy your birthday while you can still smile. Some years from now, you might be toothless.

If you want to stay young forever never celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday!

Being older does not necessarily mean you are wiser. Happy birthday old friend!

Safety demands that we alert the fire department before you light your candles.

Happy birthday! Please ensure you do not blow out your teeth when blowing your candles.

Happy birthday dear! Be careful what you wish for as you blow your birthday candles.

Happy birthday my dear! If you feel you have added so much weight, be sure to cut your cake around overweight folks. This will give you the perception of a trim figure.

Happy birthday! I wish you many more birthdays till you have no strength to blow your birthday candles.

I wish your birthday came every month. That would entitle me to a large chunk of cake monthly.

Happy birthday cousin! May you age like fine wine and not like cheese.

As you celebrate your birthday, I wish you as much gifts as you can carry on your head.

I hope the jokes shared in your birthday party make you fall out of your chair while laughing. Happy birthday!

If age were just a number then you would not bother growing old. Happy birthday! Age with grace.

Happy birthday! It is okay to grow old. That is why we ask you are asked “how old are you”?

Happy birthday! I hope you are as wise as your age

Today is the only day in the year you are permitted to party all night. Happy birthday!

Hurray! You just turned 18. Now you are responsible for your actions and inaction; no pressure. Happy birthday!

It is amazing to know that funny birthday wishes are good for the soul. Next time you need to send an urgent funny birthday wish, do not put yourself through the stress of writing one. All you need to do is pick one from this collection.



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