How to Advertise Your Nigerian Business on Facebook in 2020

We all know Facebook as one of the world’s most popular social media platform. With 1.6 Billion active users monthly, you can advertise on Facebook and therefore promote your brand. Some of the biggest brands including Coca-Cola have used Facebook advertising.

You can get more out of Facebook; they tailor adverts based on the age, likes and preferences of the person. So those who will see your ads are those who will most likely be interested in whatever you are offering.

If you want to learn how to advertise on Facebook, you are in the right place. It’s not rocket science it’s DIY advertising, stick with us and you’ll learn all you need to know.

Practical steps to starting your online advert on Facebook

First you need a Facebook account, obviously right?. Well the not so obvious one is that you need to create a fan page on Facebook. To create one go to the create page on your Facebook account and enter your info.  Options will be shown to you, choose the one that best describes you and your plans for the page. That is, if it’s for a brand, a public figure e.t.c. Enter a name and a profile picture if you so desire.

Next Facebook will want to know your most likely audience. These are the people you want to see your adverts. They can be sorted by age, location, gender e.t.c. Before we go to the next major step we have to create a call-to-action and a cover for our page. Call-to-action is the next step you want your prospective customers to take after seeing your advert.

The options available on Facebook include Book Now, Call Now, Contact Us, Send Message, Sign Up and more. Depending on your needs you’ll know the one to choose. Use your company logo for cover, or create something catchy and simple. It should take about 25% of the page.

Create a Campaign

At the top of your page, select go to Ads Manager under the Promote button. On the page you are sent to you should click Create Campaign.

Select an Objective

The options here are boost your Posts, Promote Your Page, Send People to Your website, increase conversions on your site and others. The objective you choose should be based on your needs.

Ad Set Creation

Here you’ll enter the demographics you want; example will be age, political affiliations, locations, relationship status, as you do this the number of people your ad can reach may increase or reduce. Make adjustments as you deem fit.

The Budget

The ad isn’t free as I hope you already know.  Here you’ll plan how much you want to be charged . Since you are just starting, set your daily budget at a low price.  Until you get a feel for how facebook charges.

Say 3$ daily for 1month,  so you don’t spend much. In pricing you can use automatic. Manual is advisable though,  and facebook gives you a range.

Ad Scheduling

How many times do you want your ad to show.  Perhaps you want it at a certain time of the day, or you want a faster cycle for a time sensitive ad, this is where you can achieve that.

Now create the ad proper.  You can use images,  video and of course text.  Just make sure your text is not more than 20%.

Now write a headline. Something catchy and straight to the point. Like “Make money without working”. Now that’s catchy and straight to the point and will get people clicking to find out how on earth it’s possible to make money without working!

When you are done hit the place order button for submission to Facebook. Now you’re ready to tell the world about your products.  Simple huh? Here nothing is set in  stone. So watch your results and tweak your ad as you deem fit.

People find it difficult making huge profits from their Facebook ad. But with these guidelines you are really on your way. With Facebook you have an almost infinite reach for your adverts. Why not take advantage of this platform.  If you’re still confused let Penning Solutions an expert and affordable digital marketing agency in Nigeria help you out.

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